About Axis
Before I had children of my own I went to a Midwifery Intensive program in California and for the past 11 years I’ve been providing various forms of support to families in pregnancy, birth and beyond. I’ve birthed on two occasions: my spirited 9 year old child and as a surrogate for a queer family. I’ve been asked why I love birth so much and the answer is as much a mystery as the act itself but if I had to try: Birth is the last mysterious thing, it can’t be googled, it’s variable, it’s timeless, it’s wild, spiritual, and unpredictable. And, no matter how it happens it feels like the closest thing to Magic
*Please Note that I am in the middle of a name transition, you may still see places where I am referred to as J. I apologize for any confusion as I navigate name change while being a long-time business owner.
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Consultations are important in getting to know each other and finding out if we are a good fit. Please don’t be shy to schedule a consult now!